CherryProj 0.1.7 Release!

Hey everyone, welcome to CherryProj. What was initially attempted in 2016 on Unity and quickly failed, accidentally came to light at the end of my first year at Fanshawe Game Design. Creating the first fight in this game was my final assignment, and through the past 5 months, I've finally finished the first level in Construct 3. I'd like to write out how I made the game and all the systems, but at the bottom, I'm gonna dump my dev log, as I documented each step in the process.

Current Mechanics:
- Punching, Kicks w/ Knockback, Punch Block, Kick Block, Stamina, HP & MP Pickups
- First enemy staggers punches on 2 second intervals, blocks at close range, and backpedals at low HP while increasing punch frequency
- Second enemy kicks every 1.5 seconds, and jumps over the player after hitting them 2 times successfully
- Boss Fight with randomized punch and kick, and upon hitting the player 3 times, the boss performs a backpedal jump, then lunges at the player for a grapple. He also avoids being cornered against walls.

Planned Features:
- Weapon wielding (Player & Enemies + Disarming enemies to steal weapons) = Lighttubes (one use) and barbed wire bats (infinite use)
- Platforming challenges involving ladders and bridged ladders, hitting environmental pieces to change the landscape
- 3 total levels with unique enemies, bosses, and challenges + a final boss level "championship match" broken into 5 sections
- Finishers (high stamina cost, high HP dealt)
- Multiple playable characters with unique movesets & attributes (speed, damage, jump height)
- Versus mode multiplayer

I'm not sure what the ceiling on this project is, as I would love to continue work on this. The Construct engine is super cool, and while I started with it for necessity because of the visual scripting, I've since learned to code after switching to Conestoga's Game Design program and completing the first semester. I'd love to see this game through as a full project and complete all the levels with all of my ideas, but I don't know if it would be worth much more than this prototype is. If any of you think so, please let me know and I'll never forget it. As mentioned in the intro, I'll be pasting my dev log below. Thanks for your time :)

Dev Log:

I ran out of event chains on the free version of Construct 3,  and here's what I was able to complete:
Walking w/ animation
Jumping w/ animation
Mirroring when walking left
Punching w/ animation, subtracting 2 Enemy HP, animation cycle spam-block
Kicking w/ animation, dealing 4 Enemy HP, Punch can interrupt immediately after Kick for combo
Kicking animation delay/chargeup, allowing Enemy to interrupt
Enemy tracking when Player passes X coordinate
Enemy following Player left and right
Enemy stopping following within 100 units
Enemy Punching on 2 second increments, subtracting 5 Player HP
Enemy getting hit animation
Enemy HP system
Enemy Hit & Death w/ animation
Player Hit & Death w/ animation
Player HP System
Player HP bar (only drops to 19HP before free trial events ended)
All assets were made in Photoshop, however the HP bar was made in engine, and I like their pixel art tool.

Enemy has HP bar that tracks above him
MP bar added (punch 1, kick 2, jump 2)
BlockUp added (blocks punches, takes 1 MP)
BlockDown added (blocks kicks, takes 1 MP)
MP Bar refills 1 every 2 seconds
MP Bar at 0 slows you, limits jump, and disables block
Hit & Death sprites switched for Quizo & Soch
Hit animation sped up
Added block to walk backwards off screen
added MP reset upon going negative
fixed stamina buffs to reset after 2mp comes back

fixed mirroring death bug by adding QuizoAttack value 2
added Briefcase MP pickup and Bandage HP pickup
Bock sheet created
Bock tracking
Soch block under 73 distance, backpedals to 75
Adjusted Death Animation points to middle
Added Soch AI to backpedal when under 5HP
Added "ignore input" on Soch death
Added Backpedal to Bock
Added Kick to Bock
Confusing animation system to Bock Walk via Bock_Attack interger
Bock HP Bar added
Bock Hit & Death added
Soch & Bock Set Animation Idle if Quizo -0HP ***REPLACE WITH TAUNT?
Respawn/Reset on death
Next Layout upon walking off screen
Rename Layouts & Event Sheets

Knockback mechanic added to Soch upon kicking
Knockback mechanic added to Bock upon kicking
Bock knockback upon kicking Quizo *these took me an hour lol*
Added Background and Foreground layers
Fixed Quizo respawning invisible
Removed boss room & death barrier cuz of respawn issues, added Boss Room onto Level1
Bock kick animation stop changed from .7 seconds to .4
Added block to health pickup if you're at full
Fixed Bock hitboxes on kick ani (floor clipping)
Fixed Soch's block cling to trigger once per getting close
Shortened Bock kick ani
Bock jumps after every kick now
Bock nerfed to jumping every 2 kicks (3.0 seconds)
Fixed Bock Resurrects after death sometimes
Added WaterBottle, adds 10MP OR maxes MP bar if over 15MP
DeathDoor remade w/ DeathToll
Added BOSSFIGHTCAM mechanic w/ DeathDoor respawn to lock player in
Placeholder Bock spawn in Bossfight room
Fixed Soch death animation not playing sometimes, blocks instead
Boss now spawns and falls from ceiling on X>4900
Cole all animations loaded, randomize punch or kick every 1 second
Fixed Bock Death Ani played twice when facing right
Cole animations loaded
Cole lineofsight
Cole hit & death
Cole randomized punch and kick
Cole lunge
Cole grapple
Added new Quizo Death state from grapple attack
Fixed Quizo can run and get locked during chokeslam
Fixed Quizo glides on chokeslam
Added Cole bouncing off wall mechanic
Soch Knockback delay fixed
Truck, Barricades, Scaffold and Lights added

Fixed Cole Falling/Jumping Animation
Added Quizo Knockback to Cole Kick
***If Cole Kick misses, Cole does jumping animation
Added multiple Floor Assets, Garage Door
Fixed Respawn bug where Quizo spawned on wrong layer

Fireworks on entrance
Bock Jumping mechanic reworked
Added TruckBack with opening animation @ Cole 13HP, w/ MP and HP spawns
Added Fireworks upon victory
Moved Level 1 Complete text up
Fixed X position to start boss fight
Fixed Cole Kick falling animation bug
Added Footstep sfx to everyone
Added Jump, UpBlock, DownBlock, Punch and Kick SFX to Quizo
Spam Punches by using Kick fixed by making Quizo only able to Punch if Quizo_Attack = 0
Changed Block animation durations to be quicker
Replaced Footstep sfx with Footstep_9samp sounds
Moved Bandages from ringside to table beside Water
Added GarageDoor sound to DeathDoor & TruckOpen
Added Fireworks sfx
Made BGM
Fixed letterboxing
Made DeathDoor open and close
Added GarageDoorClosing sound effect
Remade Firework sprites
Made & added Briefcase, Bandage, and WaterBottle SFX
Changed Soch to not chase until past turnbuckle
Sprint added and bugtested
Quizo Taunt added & bugtested
Added Fans & Upper LockerRoom
*Fixed Taunt to only work during Idle animation
*Fixed Bock death animation in the air
*Fixed Cole dying during lunge
Animated and programmed Taunts for all 3 enemies
*Fixed Double QuizoDeath ani if dies while taunt
*Fixed MP Bar glitch by making greater than max revert to max
Added QuizoTaunt and QuizoSprint noises

Sound for Cole
Sound for Bock
*Fixed Bock dying during jump doesnt trigger death ani
Hitboxes now invisible
Sound for Soch
Added 2 extra hit noises to each enemy
Mixed BGMusic to leave room for SFX
DeathDoor doesn't open til on screen now

***You can sometimes kill Bock with no damage if you spam punches
***Bock revived to throw an extra kick??? can't replicate
***Soch block animation repeating glitch
***Bock went slow for some reason?? can't replicate
***Chokeslam misalligned when too close
***Cole grapple, you get stuck on some input I cant replicate

Files Play in browser
Dec 09, 2021

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